New England aster (Symphyotrichum novae-angliae) is indigenous to a wide geographic area that encompasses moist prairies, meadows, valleys and stream banks in most Eastern and midwest states as far south to New Mexico. ‘Purple Dome’ is a very popular dwarf cultivar introduced by Dr. Richard Lighty, former director of Mt. Cuba Center in Greenville, Delaware. […]
Archive for the ‘Regional’ Category
Bloodroot Is Wonderful Woodland Beauty
Bloodgood (Sanguinaria canadensis) is a long-lived rhizomatous native woodland wildflower. All plant parts exude a bright reddish-orange sap when cut, hence the common name. Indians utilized as a dye and sap is antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral. Roots are poisonous if ingested (USDA hardiness zone 3 -9). In very […]
Calamint: Tough Reliable Perennial Ground Cover
Calamint (Calamintha nepeta subsp. nepeta) is low mounding subshrub or perennial native to southern Europe; its primary use is as a low growing ground cover (USDA hardiness zones 4 to 8). It is a member of the Lamiaceae family. Foliage grows only 15-18 inches tall. The subspecies, var. nepeta, is the preferred choice because it produces more flowers per inflorescence. Calamint tolerates most soil […]
Purple Heart Tradescantia
Purple Heart tradescantia (Setcreasea pallida ‘Purple Heart’), formerly Tradescantia purpurea), is an annual trailing groundcover with purple stems and violet-purple foliage. This flowering vine is primarily grown for its vibrant foliage. Purple Heart is utilized in garden beds, large containers or hanging baskets. By summer’s end individual plants may grow 8-12 […]
Rebloomers Need Your Help
Re-bloomers are specific cultivars that bring on a repeat floral show – two and sometimes three in one season. In my garden re-blooming iris and re-blooming daylilies return for another round of bloom in late summer and fall. Also, deadheading some perennials will cause them to flower again. You, the gardener, must supply needed […]
Blackberry Lily
Blackberry lily (Belamcanda chinensis), aka leopard lily, is native to Central Asia, China, Japan and India (USDA hardiness zones 5-9). It derives its name from clusters of shiny black seeds clearly in view as individual seed capsules split apart as they ripen. Its common name is misleading as it is not […]
Beware! Yellow Jackets
Most humans fear and hate yellow jackets. They are actually wasps and important predators of several harmful insects. They’re easily identified by their distinctive markings along their abdomen. They tend to dart about rapidly, in a side-to-side flight pattern. Female yellow jackets are the ones capable of stinging. Wasps (Vespula spp.) are not bees; they’re brightly colored […]
List Of Conifer Reference Gardens In Southeastern U.S.
American Conifer Society Reference Gardens in the Southeastern Region March 2015 Want to learn about which evergreen and deciduous conifers grow well in your area. The American Conifer Society (ACS) has established a reference garden network across the U.S. If you are developing dwarf conifer collection […]
All About Thistles
Some weeds are very nasty and on top of my list are the dreadful thistles. Learn the lifecycles of those in your region and the proper method to eliminate them. Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense) is a perennial species found in many areas of the eastern U.S. Other thistles in my region are bull and […]