Archive for the ‘Regional’ Category

ShiShi Gashira Camellia So Far Holding Up to Zone 6-b Winters

Camellias bloom at a time when most trees and shrubs are not flowering. Growing them is no longer a dream for gardeners who do not live in the deep South. A number of “designated zone 6 hardy” cultivars prosper in the Southern Appalachian region (USDA hardiness zones 6 and 7). ‘ShiShi Gashira’ camellia (Camellia hiemalis) […]

Three New Hardy Fall Blooming Camellias

Three Zone 6 winter hardy camellias are becoming more available. A recent visit to a local camellia grower found these three fall bloomers: ‘Long Island Pink’, ‘Londontowne Blush’, and ‘Sweet October’ in full floral regalia. The first two are reliably hardy in USDA zone 6 and a third nearly so. ‘Long Island Pink’ was found […]

Timing Fall Leaf Color Of Red Maple Cultivars

Red maple (Acer rubrum) is one of the most popular large street and shade tree in the Southern Appalachian region (USDA hardiness zones 6 and 7). Most cultivars average 40-60 feet tall in height. Tiny red flowers burst open early, often before the official first day of spring. Flowers give way to reddish double winged […]

Too Early Fall Color A Telltale Signal Of Tree In Trouble

Early leaf color or premature leaf drop often tells a property owner that their tree(s) may not be healthy. Photo above, taken in front of a new subdivision, says alot. Large red maples show leaf color weeks ahead of their natural timeline. Notice the narrow median where the trees are planted. The cause of early […]

Paperbark Maple Offers 4- Seasons Landscape Interest

  In the winter some gardeners get excited about tree bark, particularly if you own a paperbark maple (Acer griseum). This small 25-30 foot tall tree has an upright spreading branching habit. The cinnamon-colored bark flakes off naturally in thin strips or chips. Horticulturists call this “exfoliating”. The sturdy branches are not prone to breakage […]

‘Halloween Hocus Pocus’ Daylily For Garden Goblins

On a pleasant July morning I saw my first ‘Halloween Hocus Pocus’ daylily (Hemerocallus x ‘Hocus Pocus’) in a friend’s garden. The 5 ½ inch flowers stand on 26 inch tall stems (scapes) and the foliage is semi-evergreen. The cultivar name describes it best. Its creamy orange color with a triangular black throat and wide […]

DOs and DON’Ts Checklist Before Purchasing Plants

When shopping at the garden center don’t bring home problem plants. “Plants On Sale” should raise a caution flag. Thoroughly inspect all sale plants. They may have been sitting many months with the pots now full of weeds, diseases, or pest problems. They become tightly potbound and roots will need to be teased apart prior […]

Tropical Flowering Maple

(Abutilon spp.), often called Chinese lantern or Chinese parasol plant, is a tropical houseplant (USDA hardiness zones 8-10). It offers pendant umbrella-shaped flowers along with handsome rich green five-lobed maple-like foliage. Some variegated leaf forms are available. Leaf petioles are long. Utilize as a tropical foliage plant in the garden or a container. The brightly […]

Why Some Crapemyrtles Do Not Flower

There are several probable reasons why your crape myrtle did not flower this summer. The two leading reasons are lack of adequate daily sunlight and planting depth. Crape myrtles should be planted in full sun. They don’t flower well in locations receiving less than 6 hours of direct sunlight each day. If the leaves are […]

Beautyberry Deservedly Becoming More Popular

The stunning purple berries of beautyberry (Callicarpa spp.) are eye-catching in late summer. White fruited varieties are also sold, but the purple forms are most popular. This 6-8 foot shrub has medium green, 3-5 inch long foliage spring thru summer. Autumn leaf color adds little, the deciduous leaves turning purple to pale yellow, shriveling, and abcising. The purple fruit clusters are electifying, perhaps […]