Most perennials demand well-drained soil. They perform poorly or die out when in ground that is constantly wet and soggy. However, a small number of perennials tolerate and even thrive in moist soils. Most plants listed here are all hardy within zones 5-8, and grow best in moist, humus-rich, well-drained soil. Most are okay getting their feet (roots and crown) wet for […]
Archive for the ‘Dawn redwood (Metasequoia)’ Category
Marginal Plants For Wet Areas

Dependable Conifer Trees For Southeast U.S. Landscapes
Arizona cypress (Cupressus arizonica var. glabra) is a southwestern U.S. conifer tree that is often underplanted. Soil drainage is an absolute must! Growth rate is moderate (15 feet high after 10 years) and eventually will reach 30-50 feet at maturity. (zones 7-9). I have seen multi-year specimens thriving in zone 6b. Deodar cedar (Cedrus deodara) is […]

12 Woody Trees And Shrubs Perfect For Containers
Japanese maples, hydrangeas, hollies, boxwoods, camellias, and dwarf conifers are popular favorites to grow in pots. Often, they’re part of mixed plantings coordinated with colorful annual and perennial flowers. If and when these outdoor trees and shrubs outgrow their pots, you have one of three options available: 1.) move plants into a bigger pot, 2.) […]

Marcescence (Retaining Leaves Fall And Winter)
Through the fall and winter seasons, certain landscape and woodland trees retain their dead brown leaves on branches. Beech (Fagus spp.) and oak (Quercus spp.) are two common examples. Winter winds and precipitation will eventually force leaves to drop. Plant scientists term the retention of leaves as “marcescence”. There are many theories as to why […]

Five Evergreens For Small Garden Spaces
The following five evergreen shrubs are smaller versions of the larger growing species. They make a better fit in smaller urban gardens. Gyokuryu Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica ‘Gyokuryu’) is a fast-growing, broadly conical selection with coarse bluish-green evergreen foliage. The needles are highly ornamental and remain bluish-green through most of the winter in zone 6 and […]

I hear people say that conifers won’t grow in the southeastern U.S. Wanta bet! 2016 marks the 8th year of the Reference Garden program sponsored by the American Confer Society (ACS)- Southeast Region. From Kentucky and Virginia south to Florida, 19 public gardens were now participating in the program. Two of the latest additions are Brookgreen […]

Conifers For Poorly Drained Soils
Before planting conifers in your landscape, it’s absolutely important to know the drainage (percolation rate) of the soil, particularly if it is clay-based. Most conifers prefer well-drained sandy and clay loam soils. To determine your soil type and rate of drainage, try the “hole test” recommended by Virginia Tech University horticulturists. Dig a hole approximately one foot deep […]

‘Ogon’ Dawn Redwood Offers 4-Seasons Interest
Dawn redwood (Metasequoia glyptostroboides ‘Ogon’ (aka ‘Gold Rush’) is a stunning foliage color variant (USDA hardiness zones 5 to 8). Metasequoia was thought to be extinct until the mid-1940’s when rediscovered in China. Its leaves were commonly found imprinted in fossil rocks. When developing your landscape plan, place Ogon where it will become a focal […]

Popular Landscape Trees Deer Don’t Like
This title is somewhat misleading. Deer will eat or sample (nibble) on any landscape plant, particularly if they are hungry enough. Deer also do not read lists of plants they’re suppose to leave alone. The following list of deer resistant plants is a sampling from reports across the U.S. It does not include every tree […]

Dawn Redwood Is Back From Extinction
Dawn redwood (Metasequoia glyptostroboides) was thought to be extinct until the mid-twentieth century. In 1948 dawn redwood was re-introduced into North America from Sichuan-Hubei Provinces in China. Dawn redwood grows in full sun and in well-drained, compost-rich soil. The tree struggles in dry or high pH soils. Dawn redwood will tolerate standing water for a […]