Archive for the ‘Flowering shrub’ Category

Rose of Sharon – A Summer Delight

Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus), aka althea, is a vigorous, upright, vase-shaped, multi-stemmed, deciduous shrub that typically grows 8-12 feet tall with some exceptions. Altheas may also be trained as small trees or espalier. Showy 5-petaled flowers appear over a long summer period and sometimes into early fall. The center of each flower has prominent […]

A Late Season Blooming Tree

Seven Son Flower (Heptacodium miconioides) is a large, multi-stemmed, deciduous shrub that grows 15-20 feet tall and 10-12 feet wide at maturity. This rare unique specimen is catching on in the U.S. because of its year-round appeal (USDA hardiness zones 5-9). It is an excellent choice for a lawn specimen or plant several in a […]

Cinnamon Clethra

Japanese clethra (Clethra barbinervis) is a large, upright, deciduous shrub or small tree (USDA 5-8). As a small tree it generally grows 10-20 feet tall and features horizontally drooping, terminal racemes (4-6 inches long); the white flowers are pleasantly fragrant. Its bloom period continues over several weeks from mid to late summer. In autumn, its […]

Four Space-Saving Summer Blooming Shrubs

Miniaturation of many of our garden shrubs has been a trend for over 30 years. A common saying among gardeners has been they no making any more land making anymore or, in this case, garden planting space. In particular, urban gardeners continue to squeeze more color into limited spaces. Here are four flowering shrubs that […]

Hardy Zone 6 Camellias

In the Southern U.S., camellias are treasured for their showy flowers in the fall-winter landscape. Their glossy evergreen foliage looks great all year long. Hardy varieties are now available for zone 6 northern gardens (-10 to 0 °F). Essentially, gardeners can raise camellias in Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia and in most coastal cities along the East […]

Create A Garden With Four Seasons Appeal

Your garden should be a year-round enjoyment and you should design it to reflect that. Many trees and shrubs offer multi-seasonal attraction. Several years back I designed a series of walking paths to network through my garden to capture its 12-month natural beauty. Planning next year’s garden? Look for calendar gaps in your own landscape […]

More Cool Small Flowering Shrubs

For many urban gardeners, landscape space is very limited. Here are several showy shrub choices along walkways and perennial border, and in deck and patio containers. Each year the list of dwarf shrubs continues to get longer. They are low maintenance, including very little annual pruning. Shrub Roses – like Drift™ and Flower Carpet™ roses- […]

Mountain Laurels – A Native Shrub Many Gardeners Forget To Plant

Mountain laurel (Kalmia latifolia) is a U.S. native broadleaf evergreen shrub (USDA hardiness zone 5 – 7(8)). Whether you are hiking through area woodlands or driving through Biltmore Estates in Asheville, NC, flowering mountain laurels dominate the May-June landscape in Northeast Tennessee or Western North Carolina.  Mature shrub sizes range from 5 feet (dwarf cultivars) […]

Steps In Planting A Hedge

Why Plant A Hedge: Living privacy fence offers privacy from street traffic and neighbors Serves as a sound barrier to reduce noise A windbreak to reduce harsh winds Snow fence to reduce snow accumulation Wildlife protection and food for birds from berries and seed. Planning: Select vigorous disease and pest free trees and shrubs that suit […]

Seven Shrubs That Bloom In February

If you have ever dreamt of creating a year-round landscape garden, here are seven fine shrubs to start with. These shrubs bloom in late winter and are also important to early insect pollinators — native ground bees, bumble bees, and butterflies. In USDA hardiness zones 7-9, winter temperatures begin to moderate and some shrubs burst into floral […]