While there are numerous trees that offer wonderful yellow fall foliage, some make extraordinary specimens in residential and park landscapes. Enjoy the beautiful yellow and gold tones on a crisp fall day. Caveat: the quality of fall color may vary from year to year. Big-leaf maple (Acer macrophyllum) – this West Coast Native grows 60-75 […]
Archive for the ‘Green ash (Fraxinus)’ Category
Deciduous Trees With Yellow Fall Leaf Color

25 Trees For Autumn Leaf Color
Fall leaf colors of woodland and landscape trees vary from one year to the next. Foliage colors are determined by monthly weather conditions and several environmental factors. Rainfall amounts and daily temperature levels during August and September are key determining factors. Best autumn leaf colors develop as daytime hours are shortening, daytime hours are sunny and […]

Selecting A Good Landscape Shade Tree
Medium to large shade trees increase the value of your property. Their summer shade and wintry wind protection may also reduce utility bills by 20 to 25%. Trees attract wild birds for nesting, protection, and as a food source. Some deciduous species will brighten up the landscape with dazzling fall color. Choosing a fast growing tree, yet some may not […]

Common Street and Landscape Trees
Across the U.S. and Canada, city planners, landscape architects, and property owners now enjoy a wide selection of landscape trees to plant on city streets, along roadsides, and in yards and gardens. Over the past half century new and improved varieties (cultivars) are disease and pest resistant and exhibit better branching and architecture. We now know to avoid […]

Five Simple Pruning Tips For DIYers
Gardeners are frequently scared about making pruning mistakes. There are lots of gardening books filled with lots of before and after photos. Let’s face facts…your yard tree or shrub does look like the ones pictured in the pruning book. Here are my simple 5 steps for pruning: Why and When to prune: You can prune a […]

List Of Dioecious Trees And Shrubs
Some tree species are dioecious, that is produce single sex flowers (either male and female). Male flowers produce pollen and no fruits. Female flowers bear seeds or fruits. You may purchase male clones to avoid picking up messy seed pods or capsules in the fall. If you are allergic to certain tree pollens, avoid […]

Pest Alert: Japanese Maple Scale Becoming A Serious Problem
Japanese maple scale is a new pest in Tennessee and surrounding states. It infests many more plant species than just Japanese maple. The insect’s small size and ability to blend in naturally with tree bark makes it challenging to detect until populations are high and it has infested large landscape and neighborhoods. Japanese maple scale […]

Trees And Shrubs That Grow In Poorly Drained Soils
If a section of your landscape is poorly drained, there are a number of trees and shrubs that will adapt over time to short periods of wet or soggy soils. Plant roots must survive in low oxygen soils. Your choices of plants are not lengthy; few landscape plants will not tolerate root suffocation for even […]

Popular Landscape Trees Deer Don’t Like
This title is somewhat misleading. Deer will eat or sample (nibble) on any landscape plant, particularly if they are hungry enough. Deer also do not read lists of plants they’re suppose to leave alone. The following list of deer resistant plants is a sampling from reports across the U.S. It does not include every tree […]

Emerald Ash Borer And Others Are Spreading – Don’t Transport Firewood
Moving firewood across county or state lines may also distribute serious insect pests hundreds of miles. For whatever reasons that the tree(s) were cut down in your yard, insects (including termites) may be hiding inside the logs. They may remain alive for a long time. Over the past decade three serious exotic insect pests have been identified […]