Archive for the ‘Trees & Shrubs’ Category

Uniqely Different Chinese Quince

Chinese quince (Pseudocydonia sinensis) is an under-utilized small 10-20 feet tall deciduous tree or large shrub with a dense oval crown (USDA hardiness zones 5-8). Initially, it starts out a slow grower for 1-2 years to establish its roots. Throughout the year, it provides several months of landscape charm that includes an attractive form, large […]

Japanese Cornel – Notable Cultivars

Starting in late February, Japanese cornel (C. officinalis) burst into bloom with clusters of yellow flowers (zones 5–8). Native to Japan, China, and Korea, this lovely small tree (or large shrub) is one of a few plants that is an early harbinger of spring.  Here are notable cultivars: ‘Sunsphere’ grows 20-25 feet high and is an exceptional heavy bloomer with […]

Create A Garden With Four Seasons Appeal

Your garden should be a year-round enjoyment and you should design it to reflect that. Many trees and shrubs offer multi-seasonal attraction. Several years back I designed a series of walking paths to network through my garden to capture its 12-month natural beauty. Planning next year’s garden? Look for calendar gaps in your own landscape […]

Lacebark Pine

Lacebark pine (Pinus bungeana) (USDA hardiness zones 4-8) is arboreal mid-sized gem is a lovely 3-needle pine. It is a slow-growing pine with an absolutely exquisite exfoliating patchwork bark which becomes more attractive as the tree ages. Some of the best specimens that I have witnessed are planted on the New York Botanical Gardens in […]

More Cool Small Flowering Shrubs

For many urban gardeners, landscape space is very limited. Here are several showy shrub choices along walkways and perennial border, and in deck and patio containers. Each year the list of dwarf shrubs continues to get longer. They are low maintenance, including very little annual pruning. Shrub Roses – like Drift™ and Flower Carpet™ roses- […]

Four Tree Conifers Which Should Be Planted More

Nordmann fir (Abies nordmanniana), aka Caucasian fir, is native to the Caucasus Mountains (USDA hardiness zones 4-6). This dense pyramidal conifer grows to 50 feet tall and 20 feet wide and are typically branched to the ground. Their flat dark green shiny needles (up to 1 ¼ inches long) feature two white bands on the […]

Bird Friendly Trees And Shrubs

Birds visit trees, shrubs, and vines for five things: fruits (berries), sweet nectar (flowers), insects (particularly caterpillars), nuts and seeds, and shelter. This list is a compilation from the North Carolina and Tennessee chapters of the Audubon Society of ornamental plants common in the Southern Appalachian region. Trees and Shrubs (26) Maples (Acer spp.) Downy Serviceberry […]

Raked Leaves Improve Garden Soil

Don’t rake and send fallen leaves to urban landfills. In a recent poll, nearly one-third of weekly disposable materials are composed of yard waste, newspapers, and food waste. Many of your neighbors are sending bags of “nutrient gold” to landfills. Improve your gardening skills and save money. Adding fallen leaves back into the garden is […]

Empress Tree (Paulownia)

Empress tree (Paulownia tomentosa) is a fast-growing shade tree, in some years adding 4-5 feet of new growth, eventually to reach heights of 40-50 feet and width of 20-30 feet in less than 20 years.  In the first 3-4 years, juvenile trees develop enormous size leaves. Once trees start producing flowers (adult stage), leaves are […]

Prepare For Storm Damage

A snow/ ice storm is both a beautiful and horrific scene in a landscape. Costly tree/shrub breakage, downed power lines, and subsequent utility shutoffs may be staggering results. Don’t feel powerless! Prepare and take action.  During the storm, do nothing / “hands off”. Working near an active electrical line is deadly. After the storm you should immediately […]