Archive for the ‘Prunus (Cherry)’ Category

Substitutes For Callery Pear

The end to planting Callery pears (Pyrus calleryana), aka Bradford Pear, is almost within sight as more states are banning sales of the tree at garden centers and box store garden departments. Recently, Ohio, South Carolina and Pennsylvania have banned further plantings. This March blooming flowering tree has been determined to be invasive. It produces […]

Burls on Tree Trunks

An unusual swelling on trunks of trees and occasionally on large branches are “burls”. They’re round, swollen-looking growths on tree trunks and large scaffold branches. Should or shouldn’t you be concerned? Burls are not uncommon and can be found on cherry, maple, oak, buckeye, ash, willow, locust and walnut in Eastern forests. Root burls may […]