Look Up before you plant. From city streets to country roadside are a myriad of power (utility) lines, e.g. electric, telephone, and cable TV wires. Utility companies have a “right of away” clearance to operate their lines. In most municipalities, mature trees growing into their lines can be cut down or all offending branches removed. Large trees often end […]
Archive for the ‘Zelkova’ Category
Planting Small Trees Under Power Lines

Selecting A Good Landscape Shade Tree
Medium to large shade trees increase the value of your property. Their summer shade and wintry wind protection may also reduce utility bills by 20 to 25%. Trees attract wild birds for nesting, protection, and as a food source. Some deciduous species will brighten up the landscape with dazzling fall color. Choosing a fast growing tree, yet some may not […]

Common Street and Landscape Trees
Across the U.S. and Canada, city planners, landscape architects, and property owners now enjoy a wide selection of landscape trees to plant on city streets, along roadsides, and in yards and gardens. Over the past half century new and improved varieties (cultivars) are disease and pest resistant and exhibit better branching and architecture. We now know to avoid […]

Five Simple Pruning Tips For DIYers
Gardeners are frequently scared about making pruning mistakes. There are lots of gardening books filled with lots of before and after photos. Let’s face facts…your yard tree or shrub does look like the ones pictured in the pruning book. Here are my simple 5 steps for pruning: Why and When to prune: You can prune a […]

Pest Alert: Japanese Maple Scale Becoming A Serious Problem
Japanese maple scale is a new pest in Tennessee and surrounding states. It infests many more plant species than just Japanese maple. The insect’s small size and ability to blend in naturally with tree bark makes it challenging to detect until populations are high and it has infested large landscape and neighborhoods. Japanese maple scale […]

Zelkova Becoming Dominant Urban Street Tree
Japanese zelkova (Zelkova serrata) is a 60-90 feet tall shade tree with structurally strong branches. Fast growing zelkova may grow 2 feet or more in a single year. Belonging to the elm family (Ulmaceae), zelkova exhibits several elm-like features, including a vase shaped branching habit. Its very different exfoliating mottled bark distinguishes it from elms. […]