Archive for the ‘Breeding Plants’ Category

Celebrate Summerific® Rose Mallow (Hibiscus) Week

Perennial hibiscus (Hibiscus moscheutos) is commonly known as rose mallow or dinner plate size hibiscus. Blooms measure a huge 7-9 inches across. Plants are exceptionally hardy, and can withstand winters as cold as zone 4 (-20°F to -30°F) in Minnesota (zone 4) and the heat of zone 9 (20°F -30°F) in Florida. Each flower lasts […]

Loads Of Hybrid Baptisias Available

Wild indigo or Baptisia (Baptisia spp.) are a wonderful group of U.S. native perennials (USDA hardiness zones 4-9). A few species have remained outside the gardening scene until recent years. Breeders are creating several hybrids that offer a grand color palette and superior plant form. Baptisia, belong to the Pea family, new growth emerges in […]

Redbuds With Awesome Summer Foliage

Native redbuds Cercis canadensis) is native to eastern and central North America (USDA hardiness zones 4-8). This small tree is a highly dependable small flowering tree. Redbud is typically a relatively short-lived tree, perhaps 20-30 years at best. Depending on variety, their lavender / pink/ white pea-like flowers emerge in early spring, usually a week […]

Rhododendrons You Should Be Growing

“A healthy plant in the right place with proper maintenance” is a rhododendron that has few problems. Rhododendrons and azaleas are acid loving plants meaning plants should be planted in humus-rich slightly acidic soil (pH 5.2 -6.5). If the soil is not well amended, rhododendrons will have trouble surviving long term. Once planted, water during […]

Zone 6 Hardy Camellias

Once upon a time, across the Southern U.S., camellias were highly prized for their showy flowers in the fall-winter landscape. What has changed is that gardeners in the Middle Atlantic and mid-Southern states can now grow them equally well. Camellias are evergreen woody shrubs native to Asia. Currently, after decades of inter-breeding with species from […]

Poinsettia Care

Poinsettias (Euphorbia pulcherrima) have become a symbol of  the Christmas and winter holiday season. Their colorful bracts (most people call them”flowers”) are actually modified leaves. The tiny “true” flowers are in the center of the bracts. Each year new poinsettia varieties hit the garden shops. In the mid-19th century, Joel R. Poinsett introduced the poinsettia […]

Downtown Street Trees With A Narrow Vertical Form

On the subject of land, Mark Twain wrote: “they’re not making any more of it”. This is particularly true in downtown urban areas where land to grow trees is usually very limited. Here are five tall trees that possess a striking vertical accent. Their upright branch habit does not take up much horizontal space. Trees […]

July Blooming Plumleaf Azalea

Plumleaf azalea (Rhododendron prunifolium), a deciduous azalea native to Georgia and Alabama, is a particular summer favorite (USDA hardiness zones 6-9). It’s hardy even in Boston, NY City, and Philadelphia. Its bright orange-red blooms surprise in late July to early August. Compared to many fragrant spring blooming native species, flowers emit no scent. Its autumnal […]

Landscape Ideas Using Crape Myrtles

If you live in zone 7 and points southward, you are likely growing crape myrtles (Lagerstroemia indica x fauriei). Additional hybrid cultivars (varieties) are hardy in zone 6. Crape myrtles are loved for their spectacular summer flowers, colorful fall foliage, and exquisite peeling bark over trunks and branches. Cultivars range in size from dwarf selections […]

Tree Cultivars That Do Not Produce Seeds Or Fruits

Perhaps you don’t like picking up messy fruits and seeds from your lawn in the fall and winter. Choose landscape trees that have seedless cultivars. A true seedless variety is an easy choice to avoid fruit cleanup. Below are a few non-fruiting or seedless cultivars available at nurseries. Not all plants listed are recommended for all home […]