I Winterhazels (Corylopsis spp.), native to China and Japan, is a wonderful genus comprised of winter flowering shrubs of varying heights and widths (USDA hardiness zones 5 to 8). Few U.S. gardeners know of them. Their bright yellow flowers are a lot bigger and showier than the witchhazels (Hamamelis spp.) which are close botanical relatives. […]
Archive for the ‘Deciduous’ Category
American Hornbeam – Versatile Small U.S. Native Tree
American hornbeam (Carpinus caroliniana), aka ironwood or muscle wood, grows primarily in moist, slightly acidic soils along woodland rivers and streams (USDA hardiness zones 3-9). This native hornbeam adapts to either wet or dry ground as long as soil moisture drains off, and it does not flood over long periods. This durable small tree copes with […]
Weeping Landscape Trees
Weeping forms of willows (Salix spp.), flowering cherries (Prunus spp.), pines (Pinus spp.), spruces (Picea spp.) and European beeches (Fagus sylvatica) are magnificent landscape features. Weeping forms of evergreen and deciduous trees develop strong upright central leaders, and their outward branches cascade downward. Among conifer species there are over 150 different cultivars with pendulous habits. Here is a list of 28 weeping tree species. I […]
Hardy Sedum Groundcovers
Sedums (Sedum spp.) are tough, easy to grow perennials (zones 3-9). Plants prefer average dry to moist well-drained soils and full to partial sun. Most sedums do not tolerate wet soils. Their thick succulent glossy leaves lead to the plants’ exceptional drought resistance. Sedums are exceptionally easy to root from leaf and stem cuttings. Low groundcover types […]
Key Landscaping Tips
To develop a successful landscape plan, first do a walk-a-round before you start digging and planting. Record your landscape’s sun patterns, soil types, wind and water movement. This information will help you select the kinds of plants that will prosper under existing conditions. Sun exposure shifts daily and seasonally. Observe the garden at different times to gain […]
Summer Pruning of Oakleaf and Bigleaf Hydrangeas
Bigleaf or “mophead” hydrangeas (Hydrangea macrophylla) tend to get tall and leggy, and outgrow their garden space. Our native oakleaf hydrangeas (Hydrangea quercifolia) are pruned as blooms quality declines. Remove or “deadhead” all withered or faded flowers. Main pruning time for these two species is from mid-June thru mid-August. Mopheads may rebloom if they had […]