Fountain grasses (P. alopecuroides) are perennial warm season grasses that are native to meadows and open woods of Eastern Asia (mainly China and Japan) and Western Australia. Cultivars hardiness ranges from zone 4 (5) – 10. These ornamental grasses have finely textured deep green foliage and elegant form. Leaves and flower spikes sway in the breeze, […]
Archive for the ‘Environmental Conservation’ Category
Tulip Poplar
Tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), aka yellow poplar and tulip tree, is a large stately deciduous tree of eastern North America (USDA hardiness zones 4-9). This fast growing native typically grows 60-90 feet tall and it is not unusual to see tulip trees over 100 feet. It is also an important timber tree. A member of the magnolia family, […]
New USDA Hardiness Zone Map
The USDA Plant Zone Hardiness Zone Map is an important garden reference to anyone who gardens in the continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii or Puerto Rico. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) today released a new version of its Plant Hardiness Zone Map (PHZM), updating this valuable tool for gardeners and researchers for the first […]
2023 Triple Crown Winner: ‘American Gold Rush’ Black-eyed Susan
For 2023, three leading organizations, All-America Selections, National Garden Bureau and Perennial Plant Association, have awarded a cultivar of black-eyed Susan their highest plant award in the U.S. For the U.S plant Industry this is the first time ever. Currently, garden interest in rudbeckias is at an all-time high. All-America Selections judges evaluated ‘American Gold […]
Protect Plants from Deer And Other Critters
In many suburban and urban areas, often to their detriment, deer are hungry to eat several of your landscape plants. No two gardens are alike, and deer may browse on different plants in your neighbor’s yard. You must employ your own plan (strategies) to protect landscape trees, shrubs, and perennials from deer foraging. Fencing is […]
Poison Ivy
“Leaves of three, let it be”. Parents teach their young children about this green plant menace — Eastern poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans). The plant is familiar to hikers and gardeners alike. Poison ivy is native throughout the United States and much of southern Canada and can be found in a wide variety of places from […]
Three Hybrid Oaks Grow Tall And Narrow
Where space is limited, such as along a narrow thoroughfare or snuggled up near a downtown building, here are three (plus two others pictured here) columnar oaks that you can depend upon. Beacon® is a hybrid swamp white oak (Quercus bicolor) discovered by famed plantsman Dr. Michael Dirr and introduced by J. Frank Schmidt Nursery in […]
Worst Weed Ever Is Here?
Mulberryweed (Fatoua villosa) is not related to mulberry trees but its leaves look a little like mulberry foliage. A native of eastern Asia, it was introduced into North America in the latter half of the 20th century. Currently, it is seen in the Southeastern United States from Maryland to Florida, west to Texas and Oklahoma, north […]
2022 Perennial Plant of the Year® Announced
2Since 1990 The Perennial Plant Association (PPA) has showcased a perennial that is a standout among its competitors! Perennials chosen for this honor are suitable for a wide range of growing climates, require low maintenance, have multiple-season interest, and are relatively pest/disease-free. Each year PPA members look at four nominated perennials and vote for their […]
Bird Friendly Trees And Shrubs
Birds visit trees, shrubs, and vines for five things: fruits (berries), sweet nectar (flowers), insects (particularly caterpillars), nuts and seeds, and shelter. This list is a compilation from the North Carolina and Tennessee chapters of the Audubon Society of ornamental plants common in the Southern Appalachian region. Trees and Shrubs (26) Maples (Acer spp.) Downy Serviceberry […]