Leatherleaf mahonia (Mahonia bealei), aka Beale’s barberry, is a holly-like evergreen shrub which appears in your garden uninvited. It is a member of the barberry family (Berberidaceae) (USDA hardiness zones 6-9). It has no sharp thorns on the stems, but leaf tips are sharply pointed. Leatherleaf mahonia is a princely evergreen shrub which blooms in […]
Archive for the ‘Evergreen’ Category
Skip (Schipka) Laurel Creates Dense Evergreen Privacy Screen
Schipka laurel (Prunus laurocerasus ‘Schipkaensis’) is a dense growing evergreen shrub with lustrous evergreen foliage and clusters of small white flowers in the spring. It is rated as one of the cold hardiest of cherry laurels (USDA hardiness zone 6-8). In the garden center it is often labeled ‘skip laurel”. Skip laurel grows 10 to […]
Pest Update – More Pesticide Options for Hemlock Adelgid Control
Twenty years ago predictions of the demise of our native Canadian (Tsuga canadensis) and Carolina hemlocks (T. carolina) from home and commercial landscapes turned out to be incorrect. The key reason was the effectiveness of the insecticide Imidacloprid®. This product is licensed by Bayer AG, and is found in a number of lawn and garden […]
Long-Lived Cedar of Lebanon – A Record Of Human History
Cedar of Lebanon (Cedrus libani) is a tree aristocrat among conifers. Among the true evergreen cedars it is rated the cold hardiest (USDA zone 5). Its broad horizontal branching and dark green needles defines this tree. The bright green tufted needles are less than 1 inch long and not as showy as the more popular […]
Select The Perfect Christmas Tree
Decorating a live Christmas tree is traditional in many homes. Many different species of evergreen trees are sold at tree lots near you. Frazier Fir (Abies fraseri) is the most popular Christmas tree in the southeastern U.S. Named for Scottish botanist John Fraser (1750-1811), it makes its home in the higher mountainous elevations of Tennessee, […]
Deer Don’t Feed On Plum Yews
Plum yews (Cephalotaxus harringtonia) are evergreen needle conifers which flourish in the heat and humidity of the Southeastern U.S. (USDA hardiness zones 6-9). Likely, the groundcover forms are hardier to zone 5-b if protected by snow cover or surrounding vegetation from dry winter winds. Plum yews are native to China, Korea and Japan. Many people […]
Franky Boy Arborvitae
Franky Boy oriental arborvitae (Platycladus orientalis ‘Franky Boy’ [syn Thuja orientalis]) is a dwarf evergreen conifer currently in hot demand among collectors. What immediately catches your eye is its thread-like foliage which changes color from one season to the next. Its evergreen foliage adds a fine textured look to the landscape. The new spring growth […]
‘Sweet Tea’ Heucherella Offers Year-round Foliage Color Splash
Heucherella or foamy bells is a hybrid derived from crossing U.S. native foamflower, (Tiarella spp.), with coral bell (Heuchera villosa), another U.S. native. Terra Nova Nurseries, a wholesale grower in Oregon, has introduced several of these hybrids. Heucherellas bring out the best traits of both parents. Their small creamy white, bell-shaped flowers open in late […]
‘Morgan’ Oriental Arborvitae
When dwarf conifer hobbiests visit one another’s gardens, they discover new plants, some which later show up in their own landscape. Morgan oriental arborvitae (Platycladus orientalis ‘Morgan’) has become very popular among collectors living in the southeast and mid-Atlantic regions. Morgan arb is a fairly slow-growing, typically 5 inches or less per year. It provides […]
Emerald Spreader® Yew Exciting New Ground Cover
Emerald Spreader® (Taxus x media ‘Monloo’) is a short wide-spreading Japanese yew. Emerald Spreader grows slowly, and may reach 2 ½ feet in height and 8 to 10 feet in spread over 20 years. The short 5/8 inch long, fine textured needles retain their rich dark green color through the winter months in USDA hardiness zones […]