Japanese Umbrella Pine (Sciadopitys verticillata) is an evergreen (USDA hardiness zones 5b -9). It is not actually a pine. Historically, umbrella pines date back to the dinosaur age. This mid-sized landscape tree displays several fine attributes: shiny leaves are arranged in whorls like the spokes of an umbrella; peeling, reddish brown bark and a […]
Archive for the ‘Evergreen’ Category
Working With Poorly Drained Soils
As a rule, yews (Taxus spp.), Japanese hollies (Ilex crenata), azaleas (Rhododendron spp.), blueberries (Vaccinium spp.), and roses (Rosa spp.) are common examples of landscape plants that fail in poorly drained soils. Holly cultivars like ‘Hoogendorn’ and ‘Soft Touch’ fair better in clay soils that most other Japanese hollies in the Southern Appalachian region (USDA hardiness […]
Alexandrian Laurel For Deep Shade
Alexandrian Laurel or Poet’s Laurel (Danae racemosa) is a wonderful evergreen shrub that is rarely planted in U.S. gardens. Danae is indigenous to Iran and Syria. This evergreen shrub needs partial to full shade and the warm climes of southeast or Pacific northwest states (USDA hardiness zones 6 – 9). If winters are exceptionally cold […]
Tips On Repotting Container Plants
Eventually, all potted plants outgrow their containers. This includes potted roses, Japanese maples and other small trees, shrubs, dwarf conifers, elephant ears (Colocasia, Alocasia), cannas, lotus, papyrus, and lots more. A rule of thumb is to transplant every 2 years in early spring before bud break. In the case of perennials and tropicals, this is a good […]
Understanding How To Purchase Nursery Stock
Nursery growers supply trees and shrubs to garden centers in any of five ways: Container Grown – Plants have been growing in a container or pot for one or more growing years. Some plants have been grown in containers or they were field dug and repotted into containers. These transplants are not likely to experience […]
Winter Blooming Winter Jessamine
Carolina jessamine (Gelsemium sempervirens) is one of the most beautiful native vines in the South (USDA Zones 6 to 9). In February and March, its bright yellow flowers are commonly seen growing along roadsides in the Southeastern U.S. It is frequently mistaken for forsythias a shrub that rarely blooms in winter. Vines grow vigorously, 20 feet […]
Uniquely Different Monkey Puzzle Tree
Monkey puzzle tree or Chilian pine (Araucaria araucana) is an evergreen conifer that is native to forested volcanic slopes of the Andes Mountains in Chile and Argentina (USDA Zone 7b-11). It is the national tree of Chile. Monkey puzzle typically grows to 60-70 feet tall and 30-35 feet wide, but may reach heights greater than 100 […]
Live Cut Foliage And Berries For Home Holiday Decorations
Many conifers make great cuts for indoor and outdoor Christmas decorations. Foliage choices: Eastern red cedar and many other junipers, white pine, Norway spruce, Colorado spruce, Balsam fir, Canadian hemlock, Arizona cypress (and cultivars ‘Carolina Sapphire’ and ‘Blue Ice’), and False cypresses (C. pisifera). Needle retention varies among species. For example, Norway spruce and balsam […]
Euonymus ‘Moonshadow’ – A Ground Cover For All Seasons
Many so-called shade perennials such as hostas, astilbes, brunneras, and coralbells (Heuchera spp.) actually excel in areas that are bathe mostly morning sunlight. In these areas ‘Moonshadow’ euonymus (Euonymus fortunei ‘Moonshadow’) makes a great companion shrub with these perennials (USDA hardiness zones 4-8). Moonshadow has become a favorite ground cover euonymus of mine. ‘Moonshadow’ euonymus is […]