In early spring many area gardeners rush to set out hummingbird feeders filled with a sugary solution to encourage these feathery critters to visit. However, the sugary drink also attracts ants, bees, and wasps. The solution does not furnish vitamins, minerals, and carotenoids that hummingbirds pick up from pollinating flowers and eating insects. In addition, […]
Archive for the ‘Vine’ Category
Ground Covers With Colorful Berries in Winter
Here are four ornamental ground covers that are laden with colorful berrries in the winter landscape. Two (partridgeberry and wintergreen) grow best in a partial shade woodland environment and two (coralberry and cotoneaster) prefer sunny environs. Berries offer tasty winter food for wildlife such as pheasant, grouse, squirrels and deer. Cut stems loaded with berries […]
Attracting Hummingbirds
This time of year many gardeners are setting out bird feeders, including those filled with a sugar solution to encourage hummingbirds to visit your garden. Unfortunately, the sugary drink will also attracts numerous ants, bees, and wasps. When warm spring and summer weather arrives, the solution clouds up with bacteria which ferments or perhaps fatal […]
Lipstick Plant (Vine) – Lovely Flowering House Plant
Nothing brightens up a room more than a flowering plant. One of my favorites is lipstick plant or lipstick vine (Aeschynanthus spp.), a close relative of the African violet. The green leaf form A. radicans is very popular with shiny dark green leaves and orange, pink, purple flowering varieties. Lipstick plant is a free bloomer, […]
Growing Morning Glories
Morning glory vines (Ipomoea tricolor) add a dash of old fashion charm to today’s gardens. YES! these aggressive vines demand a high degree of attention. Their funnel or tubular-shaped flowers open in the morning and close late in the afternoon. In a single growing season, vines may grow 6 to 12 feet and more (depending on variety). Morning […]
Heat Loving Annuals For Containers
Not all annuals grow well in containers. An aggressively growing annual may not be a suitable companion plant in containers. Small containers dry out quickly. Large containers, a minimum of 16 inches across, should be your beginner size. For an eye-catching container garden, utilize plants that require the same care but differ in colors, heights, […]
Winter Blooming Winter Jessamine
Carolina jessamine (Gelsemium sempervirens) is one of the most beautiful native vines in the South (USDA Zones 6 to 9). In February and March, its bright yellow flowers are commonly seen growing along roadsides in the Southeastern U.S. It is frequently mistaken for forsythias a shrub that rarely blooms in winter. Vines grow vigorously, 20 feet […]
Live Cut Foliage And Berries For Home Holiday Decorations
Many conifers make great cuts for indoor and outdoor Christmas decorations. Foliage choices: Eastern red cedar and many other junipers, white pine, Norway spruce, Colorado spruce, Balsam fir, Canadian hemlock, Arizona cypress (and cultivars ‘Carolina Sapphire’ and ‘Blue Ice’), and False cypresses (C. pisifera). Needle retention varies among species. For example, Norway spruce and balsam […]
Sweet Potato Vines
Ornamental sweet potato vines (Ipomoea batatas) have been around since the late 1980’s, but their popularity have soared over the past decade. These sweet potatoes aren’t for the table. The colorful vines thrive in the intense heat of U.S. summers from May through September (zones 5-11). These easily grown plants work well as a low-growing bedding plant, […]
Annual Flowering Vines
This spring try vertical gardening. There are a number of annual flowering vines that grow in either the ground or in a large container. Some offer cooling shade on a deck or patio. Vines are highly ornamental with attractive flowers, foliage, and/or fruits. Annual vines grow quickly after planting. Plant seeds of these vines at the base of […]