Archive for the ‘Flower arrangments’ Category

Globe Amaranth (Gomphrena)

Three important objectives of area gardeners are: 1. Inviting more pollinators, 2. Growing more natives, and 3. Reducing garden maintenance. Gomphrenas, aka Globe amaranths, are becoming more recognized as outstanding annual flowering plants for Tennessee/Virginia/North Carolina gardens. Gomphrenas are North American natives (Texas, New Mexico, and northeastern Mexico) and are blooming machines in the heat, the […]

2022 Perennial Plant of the Year® Announced

2Since 1990 The Perennial Plant Association (PPA) has showcased a perennial that is a standout among its competitors! Perennials chosen for this honor are suitable for a wide range of growing climates, require low maintenance, have multiple-season interest, and are relatively pest/disease-free. Each year PPA members look at four nominated perennials and vote for their […]

Hardy Zone 6 Camellias

In the Southern U.S., camellias are treasured for their showy flowers in the fall-winter landscape. Their glossy evergreen foliage looks great all year long. Hardy varieties are now available for zone 6 northern gardens (-10 to 0 °F). Essentially, gardeners can raise camellias in Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia and in most coastal cities along the East […]

Create A Garden With Four Seasons Appeal

Your garden should be a year-round enjoyment and you should design it to reflect that. Many trees and shrubs offer multi-seasonal attraction. Several years back I designed a series of walking paths to network through my garden to capture its 12-month natural beauty. Planning next year’s garden? Look for calendar gaps in your own landscape […]

More Cool Small Flowering Shrubs

For many urban gardeners, landscape space is very limited. Here are several showy shrub choices along walkways and perennial border, and in deck and patio containers. Each year the list of dwarf shrubs continues to get longer. They are low maintenance, including very little annual pruning. Shrub Roses – like Drift™ and Flower Carpet™ roses- […]

2020 Evaluation of Russian Sages By CBG

Russian sage (Perovskia spp.) is a popular garden and landscape plant valued for its lavender-blue flowers and long bloom period. Leaves are silvery green leaves. Long cultivated as an herbaceous perennial, Russian sage is technically a subshrub, a plant with a woody base that produces herbaceous stems. Perovskia spp. has recently renamed Salvia yangii and is a member […]

Coral honeysuckle

Coral honeysuckle (Lonicera sempervirens), aka trumpet honeysuckle, is a vigorous twining flowering vine that is primarily native to the southeastern U.S. (USDA hardiness zones 4 -8). Cultivars are available in shades of red, orange. and yellow. The colorful flowers appear in spring and summer, and colorful berries decorate in late summer and autumn. Invite hummingbirds […]

Clump Type Ornamental Grasses Excel In Autumn

City gardeners want low maintenance. These ornamental grasses are what you’re looking for. They achieve their intended growth heights in summer, and produce flowers (inflorescence). Foliage of some change color as temps start cooling in late summer. Five of six listed grass species are winter hardy and overwinter outside in large containers or tubs in most regions […]

12 Plants With Silver Foliage

Silver King Artemisia (Artemisia ludoviciana ‘Silver King’) is an aggressive form with bushy, upright patch of fragrant silvery foliage and loose sprays of grey flowers in midsummer. Prune back hard after flowering to rejuvenate foliage. Deer and drought resistant. (z 3-7). Silver Mound Artemisia (Artemisia schmidtiana ‘Silver Mound’) – soft feathery leaves grow into compact, […]

Growing Shasta Daisies

Shasta daisies (Leucanthemum x superbum) is a European native that has naturalized in most areas of North America (zones 5-9). Truly low care perennials, Shasta daisies come back every spring and bloom reliably from early summer into early fall (if deadheaded). Some varieties, ‘Becky’ for example, are multi-year top performers. Shasta daisies tend to form clumps, […]