Fall is the perfect time to take on a few of the many spring garden chores. Here is a list of ten of the most important tasks: Weeding– get rid of newly emerging winter annual weeds now before they flower and set seeds. Perennial weeds such as dandelions, plantains, and thistles can be sprayed and eliminated in the […]
Archive for the ‘Violas’ Category
Planting A Rock
A well placed landscape rock or boulder is a perfect garden feature. Planted properly, the boulder appears to emerge naturally from the bowels of the earth. The crowning achievement is when mosses and lichens find a home in its crevices or when vines crawl over them. Boulders may exhibit seams of color(s), deep crevices, and/or have jagged or rounded edges. Is […]
Autumn/Winter Garden Dressup
It’s fall and many gardeners take leave of their garden until spring. Autumn is a great time to create new color schemes that will carry over into the winter garden. It’s just like spring all over again! Frost hardy flowering plants get their turn, such as pansies, violas, snapdragons, and diascias (USDA Hardiness zone 7), […]
Reawaken Your Garden This Fall
In many areas of the U.S., Labor Day traditionally signals return to school, the start of the football season, and an end to gardening for the year. Mother Nature surely did not schedule it this way. Here are ten plants (plus an extra) that are blooming in late August thru the coming weeks: Stonecrops or […]
Fall Is Spring Bulb Planting Time
If you love spring flowering tulips, daffodils and other spring-flowering bulbs, some planning and planting chores should be set into motion this fall. Spring flower bulbs should be planted when cool soil temperatures (below 55 °F) return. For gardeners living in the Southern Appalachian region (USDA hardiness zones 6 and 7), bulb planting begins in […]
Fall Is For Planting
Does your garden need a refresh? Summer’s heat and drought, devastating storms, and disease and pest problems combine to place a pall over your outdoor living space. Perhaps, you desire an entirely new look. Maybe you’re tired of the same old beds of roses, daylilies and other perennials. Maybe your garden saps too much of […]
Revitalize Pansies Now

Across many areas of the Southern Appalachian region (USDA zones 6 and 7) snowfall has been plentiful this winter, but total rainfall is below normal. It takes 10 inches of snow to equal one inch of rainfall. Fall planted pansies and violas are now both hungry and thirsty. Provide them with a shot of fertilizer and water. […]
Fall Planting Deadline for Pansies and Violas

To grow pansies successfully, follow this four- step program. Start with: Purchasing healthy plants Planting by mid-October or earlier Watering in the fall and winter as needed Fertilizing monthly through the winter and spring months. Shop for vigorous dark green plants at local greenhouses and garden centers. Closely inspect for lots of white growing roots. […]
Keep Your Pansy Faces Smiling
Success in blooming pansies and violas in the winter season depends on two key factors: date of fall planting and soil nutrition. If you live in USDA plant zone 6, pansies must be planted on or before October 15th, two weeks earlier in northerly zone 5, or two weeks later in zone 7. Early fall planting […]