Chinese ground orchid (Bletilla striata), aka “Hardy Garden Orchid”, is a terrestrial orchid which produces small, cattleya-like, downward-facing purple flowers. It is indigenous to moist grassy slopes of central China and southern Japan. Ground orchids produce attractive foliage and showy flowers, that bloom from mid-spring and early summer. The flowering racemes stand approximately 12-18 inches high […]
Archive for the ‘Fertilizing plants’ Category
Perennial Salvias Getting Better
Perennial salvias (Salvia × sylvestris) represent a number of hybrid crosses between S. nemorosa and S. pratensis but may include S. × alpestris, S. × asperula, S. × collina, and S. × superba. Most cultivars are branched, upright, clump-forming, perennials with opposite, oblong to lanceolate, medium green leaves and showy spikes of tiny, tubular, two-lipped flowers (each to 1/2” long). Flower color choices range from blue to lavender to purple, depending […]
Successful Gaura Growing Tips
Gaura (Oenothera lindheimeri) is a low-maintenance perennial native to the southern U.S. (Zones 5-9) and is a durable plant for gardeners. Its waving wands are dotted with dozens of whitish to pinkish flowers don’t stop blooming until summer temps climb above the 90°F range. Gaura is often called “whirling butterflies” because the flowers appear to […]
Chinese Fringetree
Gardeners are waking up to the tough as nails Chinese fringetree (Chionanthus retusus). (USDA hardiness zones 5-9). It has gorgeous foliage, showy snow-white flowers in the spring, and exfoliating bark. Native to Korea, China, and Japan, this low maintenance multi-stemmed large shrub or small deciduous tree is becoming easier to purchase at U.S. garden centers […]
Ten Favorite Viburnums
Viburnums are versatile landscape shrubs that flower, fruit, and fall color. Several species have fruit that attracts birds and may persist most of the winter. To have the best cross-pollination and fruit display plant in groups rather than as specimens. Viburnums tend to prefer slightly acid soil. They have few pest or disease problems and need […]
Easter Cactus
A native of southeastern Brazil, Easter cactus (Schlumbergeri gaertneri), formerly Hatiora gaertneri, is a tropical succulent cactus. It is often confused with Thanksgiving (Schlumbergera truncata) and Christmas Cacti (S. x buckeyi) both of which have very difference flattened stems with rounded or spiney-edged scalloped foliage. In the wild, this tropical grows almost shrub-like on trees or rocks. […]
Why Newly Planted Trees Die
The loss or decline of a newly planted tree or shrub is usually a result of multiple factors. One of the worst mistakes is planting trees or shrubs too deeply – whether they are planted by a home gardener or a landscape professional. I’ve witnessed both. Surface roots are deprived of oxygen the deeper trees […]
Growing The True Christmas Cactus
Despite its name, the Christmas cactus (Schlumbergera buckleyi) is an epiphytic plant that grows on trees and rocks in habitats that are generally shady with high humidity. This tropical member of the Cactus family (Cactaceae) is not a true cactus. Tiny roots may cling to the plant or rock that it’s growing on. It is […]
Vines Worth Growing
Vines add a vertical dimension in your garden. With many vines, you don’t need to construct expensive arbors and trellises for them to climb. Borrowing an idea from nature, vines love to ramble or attach readily onto shrubs and trees. Some vines like periwinkle (Vinca minor) and English ivy (Hedera helix) make attractive ground covers […]
Snowdrops (Galanthus)
Snowdrops (Galanthus nivalis) are one of the first flowers to bloom in the spring. Depending on the region where you live, snowdrops appear in the early days of spring; often snow still blankets the ground. Snowdrops are tiny plants (3 – 6 inches tall) that produce multiple small showy, white, bell-shaped flowers, which hangs off the ends […]