Part IV. In mid-September bring plant indoors as outdoor temps start to drop below 50°F to initiate poinsettia flowering. Poinsettia is a “photoperiodic” plant, which means that floral buds and colorful bracts are initiated under short daylengths. A poinsettia requires 6 weeks of 10 hours or less of light per day. You must be determined to stay with […]
Archive for the ‘Fertilizing plants’ Category
Re-Bloomers Need Your Help
Re-blooming is an unusual plant trait. Selected cultivars return this time of year for a repeat floral show. In my garden Encore™ azaleas (Rhododendron spp.), re-blooming irises (Iris spp.), and re-blooming daylilies (Hemerocallis spp.) are back for second round of flowering in late summer and early fall. The gardener/landscaper must supply needed soil moisture and nutrition (primarily nitrogen) so that plants don’t struggle […]
‘Autumn Bride’ Started A Heuchera Evolution
Autumn Bride heuchera (Heuchera villosa ‘Autumn Bride’) is blooming now. This native ground cover, aka “hairy alumroot”, displays wide lime-green foliage which is not as colorful as many new H. villosa hybrids introduced in recent years. However, the white flowers on Autumn Bride are showier and more numerous. Heucheras prefer a moist, well-drained, compost-rich soil. Plants are heat and humidity […]
Sunpatiens Worth The Hype
Sunpatiens™ live up to all their hype, with a caveat. They are still impatiens, which means they love (and can’t go without) water. In the Southern Appalachian region (USDA zones 6 and 7), Sunpatiens prosper in direct full day sun to part shade, but can’t go without weekly watering. The flower bed should be mulched […]
‘Gateway’ Joe-Pye Fits Most Gardens
On hot clammy August days, towering 6-8 feet in height, there is Joe-Pye* weed (Eupatorium purpureum) to enjoy. It is visually hard to miss when driving along rural roads in the Southern Appalachian region (USDA zones 6 and 7). Joe-Pye’s flowering sends me a timely message that autumn is only six weeks away. For gardens the cultivar […]
‘Kim’s Knee High’ Coneflower For Small Gardens
We are in the midst of an Echinacea revolution. Purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea) is a popular 5-6 foot tall native perennial commonly planted in meadow and butterfly gardens. Kim Hawkes, former owner of Niche Gardens Nursery in Chapel Hill, N.C. introduced compact growing ‘Kim’s Knee High’ a decade ago. It is still one of the finest cultivars. ‘Kim’s Knee High’ […]
A Canna Lily Revival
Depending on where you garden, Canna lily (Canna spp.) is a tropical-looking, herbaceous annual or perennial. Its colorful foliage and long blooming time leaves a huge visual impact. Canna is not reliably winter hardy in the Southern Appalachian region (USDA hardiness zones 6 and 7). […]
Summer Pruning of Oakleaf and Bigleaf Hydrangeas
Bigleaf or “mophead” hydrangeas (Hydrangea macrophylla) tend to get tall and leggy, and outgrow their garden space. Our native oakleaf hydrangeas (Hydrangea quercifolia) are pruned as blooms quality declines. Remove or “deadhead” all withered or faded flowers. Main pruning time for these two species is from mid-June thru mid-August. Mopheads may rebloom if they had […]
Calliope™ Dark Red Geranium- One of the Best
Garden performance is very important. Calliope™ Dark Red geraniums have it!! Calliope geraniums are interspecific hybrids with zonal-type leaves and huge vibrant red flowers. Plant breeders crossed ivy geraniums (the kind commonly used as hanging baskets) and zonal geraniums (found growing in pots, window boxes, and as bedding plants). Calliope is a vigorous grower with a mounding to semi-trailing […]
“Mary, Mary, How You Do Grow in My Garden”
‘My Mary’ is a hybrid deciduous azalea (R. ‘Nacoochee’ x R. austrinum) ending its flowering cycle in my spring garden. ‘My Mary’ has been a steady performer, averaging 4-5 feet in height in 10 years. Its clusters of bright yellow orange tubular flowers measure 2 1/2” across. Its early morning sweet fragrance is a gentle […]