I spend spring, summer, and fall months visiting public gardens mostly in the eastern and southeast U.S. (Ohio/Pennsylvania south to Florida with camera in hand). I get ideas of new flowers to plant in my garden next year. Here are five flowering annuals that caught my attention. Begonia ‘Canary Wing’ – this golden leaf plant […]
Archive for the ‘organic gardening’ Category
Six Early Spring Wildflowers To Grow In Your Woodland Garden
Celandine poppy (Stylophorum diphyllum) is a popular Eastern U.S. native loved for its 12-18 inch tall 4-petaled, yellow flowers. Its blue-green, pinnately lobed leaves are silvery on the underside. It seeds-in readily, which is a good thing, as plants disappear by late May and comeback early next spring in abundance (USDA hardiness zones 4-9). Virginia bluebells (Mertensia […]
Six Easy To Grow Spring Wildflowers
These six native wildflowers emerge in early spring in rich woodland soils. In gardens grow them in moist, organically rich soils in partial to full shade. Adding compost substitutes for fertilizing. All grow in moderately acidic to slightly alkaline soils (pH 6.0-7.5). Plants go dormant by early to mid-summer, earlier if soils dry out. Under ideal […]
Benefits Of Mulching
Mulching benefits garden soil and enhances the landscape appearance. Here is how: Prevents weed seeds from germinating, thereby reducing hand weeding. Mulching keeps plant roots moist and cool in summer. Fall mulching acts like a thermal blanket and aids newly set plants to establish their roots quickly. Reduces the need to water the garden as often. […]
Flowering Cabbage and Kale For Autumn Gardens
Creating both edible and ornamentally pleasing vegetables has been a goal of plant breeders. Flowering cabbage and kale (Brassica oleracea) are a new landscaping niche in the autumn garden. Plants develop huge leafy rosettes and eventually form heads. Color patterns on leaves include white, cream, red and purple shades. The […]
Fall Leaf Gathering Turns Into “Black Gold”
In autumn the cool crisp air paints the land with a colorful array from tree and shrub foliage. As days turn into weeks, leaves fall away and pile up on rooftops, walkways, lawns and gardens. Instead of just raking and tossing them curbside, gather and put them to good use. Fallen leaves (and grass clippings) can be […]
All About Mulches
Mulches aid in retaining soil moisture and reducing weeding chores. Over the years organically-based mulches gradually improve garden soils. Organic mulches are basically recycled bark, branches, twigs and leaves (including needles). Frequently they are organic by-products from the logging industry. Grass clippings and straw are also mulch sources. Hay is usually full […]
Soil Testing Is Fool-Proof Garden Insurance
Soil testing is a gardener’s best low cost insurance for enjoying a gorgeous garden or lawn. A soil analysis may be a problem solver, informing you of the soil nutrient content and pH. It accurately calculates how much chemical fertilizer, limestone, manure and other components to add. You save money is your soil is already rich enough or […]

Blueberries (Vaccinium spp.) are healthy for you and exceptionally easy to grow organically (without pesticides). Why?- because blueberries are bothered by very few disease and insect problems. Success in growing blueberries depends upon pre-plant soil preparation. If you’re thinking about growing blueberrues for the first time, then allot this calendar year for soil preparation. Put off planting blueberries until the early fall or […]