Archive for the ‘Repotting plants’ Category

Slipper Orchids (Paphiopedilum)

Slipper orchids (Paphiopedilum spp.) are a type of terrestrial orchid known for their pouch-shaped petals that resemble a dainty slipper. Paphs are low light tropicals. Unlike epiphytic orchids, which grow in trees in the humid tropics, these orchids grow on the floor of forests in their native Southeastern Asia. Paphs are relatively easy to grow […]

Growing The True Christmas Cactus

Despite its name, the Christmas cactus (Schlumbergera buckleyi) is an epiphytic plant that grows on trees and rocks in habitats that are generally shady with high humidity. This tropical member of the Cactus family (Cactaceae) is not a true cactus. Tiny roots may cling to the plant or rock that it’s growing on. It is […]

Precise Care For Calatheas

Calatheas, also called Peacock plants, are among the most beautiful of foliage house plants, but their care can be challenging. Plants prefer low to medium bright spot in your home and look their best away from direct sunlight. The key to success is high room humidity and are best paired up with similar tropical favorites […]

Raise The Humidity Around House Plants

Tropical plants thrive in a 70-75° F room temperatures during the fall / winter months. Frequently, the central heating system is running at maximum warmth and results in low room humidity. The lush foliage of many tropical plants suffers leaf edge burn and tip dieback caused by low humidity. Here are nine (9) methods listing […]

Abyssinian Red Banana

Ensete ventricosum is not true banana (Musa spp ); it does not sucker like bananas, so does not form large clumps over time. In their native environment in tropical Asia and Africa, plants may grow to 30 or more feet in height, but grow considerably shorter in containers or in cultivation. Abyssinian Red Banana (Ensete ventricosum ‘Maurelli’) […]

Whale’s Tongue Agave

Whale’s Tongue Agave Over the past 10-15 years, interest in growing agaves has really caught fire, whale’s tongue agave (Agave ovatifolia) in particular. It grows to 3 to 4 feet tall and 4 to 6 feet wide in 5 to 8 years, especially with summer water. Like many agaves, whale’s tongue blooms after 15-20 years, […]

Tips On Overwintering Outdoor Containers

Containers filled with shrubs and perennials, doesn’t necessarily ensure their winter survival. Without adequate cold protection plants may succumb to cold injury—turning them into dead annuals.     To over-winter perennials in containers, you need to know their root and shoot temperature hardiness. Often, plant hardiness ratings is listed on the label. Roots and shoots of several […]

Growing Japanese Maples In Containers

Many slow-growing and compact cultivars of Japanese maples (Acer palmatum) and full moon forms (A. japonicum) grow for 3-5 years in containers. Japanese maples develop a decorative canopy, and their lacey foliage turns yellow, orange and/or red in autumn. Most Japanese maples perform well in partial to full day sunlight, but not in full shade. […]

Caring For Thanksgiving/Christmas Cacti

Holiday cacti are not true cactus plants. They are native to tropical rainforests of South America and their care is much different than desert cacti. Christmas and Thanksgiving cacti refers to the time that they bloom in Fall. Thanksgiving cactus (Schlumbergera truncata) and Christmas cactus (S. bridgesii are available in several flower colors: red, salmon, pink, purple, orange and […]

Growing Cyclamen In The Home

Cyclamens, the non-hardy forms, have become popular gift plants. Cyclamens are incorrectly labelled as tropical houseplants at garden shops. Many people enjoy this flowering plant for long as possible and toss it once blooming has stopped. Cyclamens enjoy a long blooming period indoors in a cool room and are fussy, a bit of a challenge […]