The world of hawthorns (Crataegus spp.) includes several outstanding landscape trees that exhibit four-season ornamental interest: 1. spring flowering, 2. disease-free summer foliage, 3. variable fall leaf color, and 4. colorful fruits for wildlife in the fall and winter months. World-wide, hawthorns are native to temperate regions of North America, Europe, Asia, and North Africa, […]
Archive for the ‘Winter Garden Interest’ Category
Tips On Overwintering Outdoor Containers
Containers filled with shrubs and perennials, doesn’t necessarily ensure their winter survival. Without adequate cold protection plants may succumb to cold injury—turning them into dead annuals. To over-winter perennials in containers, you need to know their root and shoot temperature hardiness. Often, plant hardiness ratings is listed on the label. Roots and shoots of several […]
Forms of Western Arborvitae
Here is a partial listing of cultivars of Western arborvitae (Thuja plicata), as found in the U.S. nursery industry. Several are good choices for dwarf conifer collectors, in rock gardens, and in large containers. Winter hardiness of some cultivars is variable. Note: some are dwarf forms of ‘Green Giant’ arborvitae (Thuja standishii x plicata) which […]
Bald Cypress For A Small Landscape
Bald Cypress (Taxodium distichum) is well-known as a deciduous conifer native to the southeastern U.S. (USDA hardiness zones 5-9). Pyramidal in form, bald cypress towers over 70 feet tall with a spread up to 50 feet. Bald cypress is naturally found in southeast U.S. swamps, marshlands, lakes, ponds, and other wetlands. On marshy ground, you […]
12 Plants With Silver Foliage
Silver King Artemisia (Artemisia ludoviciana ‘Silver King’) is an aggressive form with bushy, upright patch of fragrant silvery foliage and loose sprays of grey flowers in midsummer. Prune back hard after flowering to rejuvenate foliage. Deer and drought resistant. (z 3-7). Silver Mound Artemisia (Artemisia schmidtiana ‘Silver Mound’) – soft feathery leaves grow into compact, […]
Summer Blooming Amur Maackia
Amur maackia (Maackia) is a small deciduous tree with a broad, rounded canopy. Typically, it grows in cultivation at a slow-to-moderate rate to a height of 20-30 feet (to 60 feet in wild). This compact growing tree is an ideal fit in smaller landscapes. A botanical member of the Pea family (Fabaceae), it grows in […]
Five Hardy Evergreen Ferns
In the southeastern U.S., ferns are important additions to shady perennial and woodland gardens. Ferns can be used as a ground cover to soften the hard edges of water features, rocks and paths, and make wonderful filler for mixed container plantings. Ferns do not flower or seed, but instead, reproduce by spores that usually form […]
Steps In Planting A Hedge
Why Plant A Hedge: Living privacy fence offers privacy from street traffic and neighbors Serves as a sound barrier to reduce noise A windbreak to reduce harsh winds Snow fence to reduce snow accumulation Wildlife protection and food for birds from berries and seed. Planning: Select vigorous disease and pest free trees and shrubs that suit […]
Seven Shrubs That Bloom In February
If you have ever dreamt of creating a year-round landscape garden, here are seven fine shrubs to start with. These shrubs bloom in late winter and are also important to early insect pollinators — native ground bees, bumble bees, and butterflies. In USDA hardiness zones 7-9, winter temperatures begin to moderate and some shrubs burst into floral […]
Three Common Witchhazel Varieties
Common witchhazel (Hamamelis virginiana) is likely the last native woody shrub or tree to bloom in the northern areas of the U.S. and Canada (USDA hardiness zone 3-8). This autumn blooming deciduous shrub or tree grows in open woodlands, often near a lake or a stream bank. Common witchhazels grow 15-20 feet tall as a large […]