Archive for the ‘winter hardiness’ Category

Growing Angel Trumpet (Brugmansia)

Angel trumpet (Brugmansia) is tropical plant native from Venezuela to Peru (USDA hardiness zones 7-b to 10). Plants are surprising hardy outdoors in zone 6-b in protected areas. This beautiful perennial/shrub, grown in tree form, reaches heights of 6-10 feet. It is a member of the Solanaceae family which includes tomato, potato, petunia, nicotiana and other great garden plants.  They’re […]

Wet And Wonderful

Two outstanding summer flowering perennials are Rodgersia (two forms) and Ligularia. Both are grown for their broad foliage and showy flowers. They share one special need: consistent soil moisture through the spring and summer months. Don’t attempt to grow either one of these awesome plants unless their water needs will be satisfied. These plants prefer wet, boggy feet (roots). Rodgersias […]

New Weigelas Keep Coming

Native to Japan, Korea, and China, flowering weigelas (Weigela florida) are reliable old-fashioned shrubs bearing pink or rose colored blooms in mid-spring. This deciduous shrub has an arching branch habit. New weigelas are now appearing at local garden centers. Older cultivars, typically 6 to 9 feet in height, are being replaced with compact 2 – 5 feet […]

Loads Of Hybrid Baptisias Available

Wild indigo or Baptisia (Baptisia spp.) are a wonderful group of U.S. native perennials (USDA hardiness zones 4-9). A few species have remained outside the gardening scene until recent years. Breeders are creating several hybrids that offer a grand color palette and superior plant form. Baptisia, belong to the Pea family, new growth emerges in […]

Yellow Flowering Magnolias

Deciduous magnolias (Magnolia spp.) are popular landscape plants because of their bright cheery spring flowers. Breeding efforts back in the 1970’s created a new class of deciduous yellow-flowering magnolias. In 1978, the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens introduced the first, Magnolia ‘Elizabeth’ (creamy white). Yellow magnolias are hybrid crosses between  M. acuminata, M. subcordata, M. denudata, among […]

Double Take® Flowering Quince

D Flowering quince (Chaenomeles spp) is an early spring flowering shrub treasured for its brightly colored blooms (USDA hardiness zones 5-9). Old fashioned quince shrubs produced small amounts of fruits (quince) which were gathered and made into yummy jelly in the autumn kitchen. Old fashioned varieties often grew 10-12 feet tall shrubs and produced small sharp thorns which made […]

Six Easy To Grow Spring Wildflowers

These six native wildflowers emerge in early spring in rich woodland soils. In gardens grow them in moist, organically rich soils in partial to full shade. Adding compost substitutes for fertilizing. All grow in moderately acidic to slightly alkaline soils (pH 6.0-7.5). Plants go dormant by early to mid-summer, earlier if soils dry out. Under ideal […]

Redbuds With Awesome Summer Foliage

Native redbuds Cercis canadensis) is native to eastern and central North America (USDA hardiness zones 4-8). This small tree is a highly dependable small flowering tree. Redbud is typically a relatively short-lived tree, perhaps 20-30 years at best. Depending on variety, their lavender / pink/ white pea-like flowers emerge in early spring, usually a week […]

Six Perennials For Dry Shade

Many of the following perennials tolerate dry shade but flourish in moist, well-drained soil. Each typically displays the richest foliage colors with a couple of hours of direct sunlight a day. All hold up well to dry conditions and are deer and rabbit resistant. Barrenworts (aka Bishop’s cap, Fairy Wings) (Epimedium spp.) represent over 70 […]

Rhododendrons You Should Be Growing

“A healthy plant in the right place with proper maintenance” is a rhododendron that has few problems. Rhododendrons and azaleas are acid loving plants meaning plants should be planted in humus-rich slightly acidic soil (pH 5.2 -6.5). If the soil is not well amended, rhododendrons will have trouble surviving long term. Once planted, water during […]