In the Southern U.S., camellias are treasured for their showy flowers in the fall-winter landscape. Their glossy evergreen foliage looks great all year long. Hardy varieties are now available for zone 6 northern gardens (-10 to 0 °F). Essentially, gardeners can raise camellias in Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia and in most coastal cities along the East […]
Archive for the ‘Winter Protection’ Category
After The Holidays Poinsettia Care
The gift of a poinsettia means you should enjoy the beauty over the next three months or more. Your poinsettia should be warmly wrapped to protect from chilling outdoor temperatures from the garden shop to your home or apartment. If applicable, carefully unwrap the protective sleeve around your poinsettia to prevent injury to leaves and […]
Poinsettia Care
Poinsettias (Euphorbia pulcherrima) have become a symbol of Christmas and the winter holidays. Their colorful bracts (most people call them “flowers”) are actually modified leaves. Red remains the most popular color, but select from white, pink, burgundy, marbled, speckled and new “tropical shades”. Buy a healthy poinsettia! The small yellow flowers in the center of the […]
Prepare For Storm Damage
A snow/ ice storm is both a beautiful and horrific scene in a landscape. Costly tree/shrub breakage, downed power lines, and subsequent utility shutoffs may be staggering results. Don’t feel powerless! Prepare and take action. During the storm, do nothing / “hands off”. Working near an active electrical line is deadly. After the storm you should immediately […]
Tips On Overwintering Outdoor Containers
Containers filled with shrubs and perennials, doesn’t necessarily ensure their winter survival. Without adequate cold protection plants may succumb to cold injury—turning them into dead annuals. To over-winter perennials in containers, you need to know their root and shoot temperature hardiness. Often, plant hardiness ratings is listed on the label. Roots and shoots of several […]
Fall Anemones
Japanese anemones (Anemone x hybrida) are popularly called “fall anemones”. These late summer-fall blooming perennials are long-lived and make fine additions to flower borders and open woodland areas (USDA hardiness zones 4 to 7). Many colorful varieties are available and their flowers are great additions to cut floral arrangements. Showy 2-4 inch wide flowers stand […]
Mexican Bush Sage
Mexican bush sage (Salvia leucantha), aka velvet sage, is a perennial that lights up the late summer / fall garden (USDA hardiness zone 7b-10). Indigenous to Central America and Mexico, it can be grown as an annual that grows to about 3-4 feet tall. In the U.S., bush sage is only hardy from the lower […]
Elephant Ears In Motion
Elephant ears (Colocasia esculenta) and their aroid cousins have become commonplace in not only hot, humid southern gardens, as well in temperate landscapes. Gardeners grow them in large containers and overwinter them indoors in a non-freezing environ. Also, my neighbors in zone 6 blanket in-ground plantings with several inches of loosely packed leaves overwinter. Colocasia […]
Ashe Magnolia
Ashe magnolia (Magnolia macrophylla subsp. Ashei) is a small 10-20 feet tree with enormous leaf and flower sizes (zone (5)6-9). Anindividual white flower measures 6- 12 inches across with a purple blotch at the base of 3 inner petal-like tepals. Ashe magnolia blooms in late May – early June in Tennessee. Many of the white […]
Elephant Ears In The Garden
If gardeners want to add some tropical punch to the garden, elephant ears (Colocasia esculenta) and a close botanical cousin (Alocasia) are one of the first plants that I recommend (USDA hardiness zones 7b-10). Also called ornamental taro, plants take off and grow rapidly after spring planting (when all threats of freeze injury have waned). […]