Archive for the ‘Foster Holly (Ilex)’ Category

Landscape Shrubs Rarely Damaged By Deer

Deer will eat or nibble on any landscape plant, particularly when they’re starving. Abnormally high deer populations, starved by a shortage of their favorite foods (mast), will feed or browse on almost any plant. This is a survival reaction. To truly protect plants when deer numbers are unusually high, a tall fence or reinforced netting […]

Outdoor Greenery for Interior Winter Decoration

If you are a new property or home owner, perhaps you’re planning some landscaping this year. Likely, you have several objectives in mind. You might include a few evergreen and deciduous shrubs and trees which, in later years, can be cut for holiday wreaths, garlands, swags and indoor ornamentation. Here is a short list to […]

Foster Holly Has It All

Foster holly (Ilex x attenuata) is an old holly favorite which has not lost its sizzle. While many new holly cultivars have entered the landscape scene, do not assume that Foster holly is now passé. It is utilized in a number of landscape options in the Southern Appalachian region (USDA zones 6 and 7), including in containers in zones […]