Saucer magnolias (M. x soulangeana) are deciduous hybrid magnolias (M. denudata x M. liliiflora) as broad shrubs or small trees. They typically grow 20-30 feet in height and width. Saucer magnolias are often called tulip magnolias because of the shape of the colorful blooms. Flower colors range from white, pink, rose, purple, magenta, and burgundy. Flowers […]
Archive for the ‘Attracting birds’ Category
Beware Of Fast Growing Trees
Many property owners choose fast growing landscape trees. These large shade trees increase the value of your property. Their summer shade and wintry wind protection may reduce utility bills by 20 – 25% . Trees attract wild birds for nesting, protection, and as a food source. Some brighten up your landscape with dazzling fall color. However, we may pay a […]
Umbrella Pine—A Conifer Collector’s Dream Plant
Japanese Umbrella Pine (Sciadopitys verticillata) is an evergreen (USDA hardiness zones 5b -9). It is not actually a pine. Historically, umbrella pines date back to the dinosaur age. This mid-sized landscape tree displays several fine attributes: shiny leaves are arranged in whorls like the spokes of an umbrella; peeling, reddish brown bark and a […]
Ten Native Shrubs Possessing Great Fall Leaf Color
Some native U.S. landscape shrubs are not only great spring/summer flowering shrubs, but their fall foliage color(s) are an added attraction. Here are ten of my favorites listed alphabetically by genus: Bottlebrush Buckeye (Aesculus parvifolia) – foliage of this summer flowering shrub turns bright yellow in fall. (zones 4-8) Red Chokeberry (Aronia arbutifolia) – under-planted native shrub that […]
Osage Orange As A Landscape Tree
Osage orange (Maclura pomifera) has been declawed and neutered (USDA Zones 5-9). A member of the mulberry family (Moraceae), this tough prairie tree species is native to east Texas, Oklahoma and Arkansas. It grows fast @ 2 ½ to 3 feet per year. It is also called Bois D’Arc (pronounced “bow-dark”). Osage orange is a […]
‘Henry Eilers’ Coneflower (Rudbeckia)
Called “sweet coneflower” (Rudbeckia subtomentosum), this U.S. Midwest prairie species is a long-lived perennial that grows in a variety of soils (USDA hardiness zones 4-8). Sweet coneflower prefers full or partial sun (6 hours minimum) and a moist well-drained loamy soils. It is highly drought tolerant after its first year in the garden. Established plants emerge in mid-spring as a […]
New Angelface Angelonias Produce Larger Flowers
Angelonias, aka summer snapdragons, (Angelonia angustifolia) hail from Mexico. Angelonias are top performing summer flowering annuals (USDA zones 9 -11). The AngelFace® series were recently developed by Proven Winners (PW). Plants are covered with snapdragon-like blooms up and down the floral stems, 18-24 inches high and 12-18 inches wide. Angelface series boast slightly larger green leaves and bigger blooms than […]