Goatsbeard (Aruncus dioicus) or “goat’s beard” is a North American perennial that produces feathery plumes of cream-colored flowers in late spring or summer. Goatsbeard is also indigenous to western Europe. This clump-forming woodland plant is hardy in zones 3-7a (?) and appears to flounder under the intense summer heat in Georgia and the Carolinas. The […]
Archive for the ‘Attracting birds’ Category
Native Catalpa Trees
Catalpa Tree Northern catalpa or cigartree (Catalpa speciosa) overpowers most private landscapes by their enormous presence (USDA hardiness zones 4-8). This 40-60 feet large native tree commonly grows along roadsides, particularly on bottomlands from Illinois and Missouri south thru Arkansas and Tennessee. Catalpa is not a tree seen planted in most residential neighborhoods because of […]
Six Mini-Shrubs For Small Gardens
Many green thumbers and veteran senior gardeners have opted to grow in small garden beds. Here are six (6) small flowering shrubs that add lots of seasonal color from early spring to late summer. All six are easy to maintain; check the easy-care info at the end. Plants can also be grown in 12 inches […]
Chinese Fringe Flower
Chinese fringe flower, aka Loropetalum (Loropetalum chinense) is related to witchhazels (Hamamelis spp) and is native to China, Japan, and the Himalayas (USDA 7-10). In the southern U.S., fringe flower is usually evergreen or semi-evergreen, and is deciduous in 6b-7a. For those who garden in areas that occasionally are hit cold winter snaps, plant them […]
Crossvine (Bignonia capreolata) is a heavy flowering, vigorously growing vine in the Bignoniaceae (trumpet creeper) botanical family. It is native to the Southeastern and South-Central states including Texas. Once established, this vine stretches 30 to 50 feet high and spreads from 6 – 9 feet wide. A cross section of its stem reveals a marking resembling the […]
Red Buckeye – Delightful Small Flowering Tree
Red buckeye (Aesculus pavia), aka Firecracker Plant, is a southeastern U. S. native that is a large understory shrub or small tree. A member of the Sapindaceae (maple) family, this lovely spring flowering beauty grows 15 to 25 feet tall in 30 years and is a perfect fit in small yards. It is native from […]
False Solomon Seal
False Solomon’s seal (Maianthemum racemosum) is a native woodland plant. It earns its common name because it looks very similar to Solomon’s seal (Polygonatum spp.). Both are in the lily family (Liliaceae) and are often seen growing together and easy to distinguish apart by the placement of the flowers on the plants. Formerly classified Smilacina racemosa, this […]
All About Flowering Quinces
Flowering Quince (Chaenomeles speciosa) is a deciduous shrub in the Rose (Rosaceae) family and related to apple and pear (Zones 5-9). It is native to China and is relatively easy to grow. Plant quince in moist, well-drained soil; it flowers best in full sun but is moderately shade tolerant. Feed quince shrubs annually in early […]
Winter Blooming Vernal Witchhazel
Vernal witchhazel is a U.S. native to the Ozark Plateau extending from southern Missouri through northwestern Arkansas to eastern Oklahoma. It is among the easiest of shrubs to grow @ 10-12 feet tall and two-thirds as wide. Roots spreads by underground stoloniferous. The leaves are oval, 23⁄4–5 inches long and 2 1/2 –5 inches wide and are slightly oblique at […]