Archive for the ‘Flower Arranging’ Category

Summer Snowflakes (Leucojum)

Summer snowflakes originate from Europe and northern Africa and are carefree spring-blooming bulbs. They belong to the Amaryllis (Amaryllidaceae) botanical family and are critter proof. (USDA hardiness zones 4-8). Flowers and foliage are similar to snowdrops, but snowflakes grow twice as tall and bloom about 2-3 months later, usually just after most daffodils. Pure white, […]

Obedient Plant – A Native Autumn Favorite

Obedient plant (Physostegia virginiana) is a member of the mint family (Lamiaceae), and like garden mint, it spreads easily by rhizomes and easily self-seeds; the plant is not “obedient” in behavior. It is called “obedient plant” because each tubular flower will, upon being pushed in any one direction, stays in its new position. It grows in […]

Ten Powerhouse Summer Flowering Perennials

For many years of floral beauty in your perennial garden, get off to a good start. Plant in an area in full or partial sun along with good air circulation to avoid mildew and leaf spot disease problems. Before planting, generously amend soil with compost and well-drained ground. Irrigate the first year to establish the landscape planting. […]

Mini-Oakleaf Hydrangeas

Oakleaf hydrangea (Hydrangea quercifolia) is a U.S. native and it offers four seasons of landscape beauty. (USDA hardiness zones 5-9). Typically, oakleafs grow 10-12 feet tall deciduous shrubs that are broad-rounded, suckering, and multi-stemmed. In the wild, if left unpruned, shrubs reach over 20 feet in height and spread. I have selected five compact growers […]

MT. Cuba Evaluates BlueStars (Amsonia)

MT. Cuba Center is located near Hockessin Delaware, near Wilmington (USDA hardiness zone 7a.). It has recently published a new trial report on bluestars (Amsonia spp.) for the mid-Atlantic region. BlueStars are a genus of popular, long-lived herbaceous perennials. Most are native to the U.S. and Mexico in addition to one Asian species (A. elliptica) […]

Seven Winter Blooming Shrubs

If you live where winter temperatures are generally moderate in the low teens, a number of shrubs bloom in winter. In the Delmarva and mid-South regions (USDA hardiness zones 6-7), these seven plants bloom reliably for 2-3 weeks before spring officially arrives. 1. Winter honeysuckle (Lonicera fragrantissima), aka fragrant honeysuckle, are covered with small fragrant […]

Christmas Fern

Christmas Fern (Polystichum acrostichoides) is an evergreen native fern that grows tough as nails. This native fern, also called the Christmas dagger fern, is indigenous to much of eastern North America; it grows in every U.S. state east of the Rocky Mountains (USDA hardiness zones 3 – 9). This durable fern has long been associated […]

Rattlesnake Master

Rattlesnake master (Eryngium yuccifolium) is mostly at home in a hot sunny prairie environment in the Southeast and Midwest (USDA hardiness 3-8). Its spiny nature gives it a desert spiny yucca-like appearance. Some Indian groups were known to brew the plant’s roots as an antidote to rattlesnake venom. Some native peoples also used the dried […]

Three Salvias To Try

Back in early spring you may have planted several kinds of salvias (sages). The arrival of the cool autumn weather turns up the flower power of sages. They’re members of the mint family and the leaves emit a mild anise scent when crushed. Looking ahead to summer of 2024, here are three salvias that you […]

Summerific Hibiscus Are Awesome

Among my favorite summer flowering perennials are the hardy herbaceous hibiscus (Hibiscus moscheutos). During the early days of August, Walters Gardens, a premier perennial plant breeder, requests garden writers to celebrate and promote their awesome product line of Summerific hardy hibiscus. Last week, the first week of August, was dubbed Summerific Week. It’s never too […]